Jan 8, 2018
A New Year? Are you re-emerging?
A very Happy New Year to you all! As January 2018 beckons perhaps we're feeling a bit "what was that all about?" with the frenzy of...

Aug 23, 2017
Are you a"chucker"or a"bequeather"?
Letting go of things (and by things I mean "stuff") is not always easy. Dozens of books have been written on "How to declutter" to "Live...

May 9, 2017
Unzip your creative potential!
As a teacher and creative artist I firmly believe in the creative potential of every human being. Some would say creativity belongs only...

May 2, 2017
Time waits for no man or woman....
What time is it? A question frequently heard throughout each day. Are we ahead of ourselves or chasing to catch up, or perhaps even "on...

Feb 21, 2017
"Off the shelf" or "of yourself"?
"Off the shelf" or "of yourself"? So what am I talking about? Today I am thinking about glass making materials. There are so many types...

Feb 17, 2017
And I am a materials girl......
What inspires you to make and create things? Is it your surroundings? Colour combinations? The patterns, shapes or forms of nature?...

Jan 25, 2017
Love, loving and being loved?
With Valentine's Day approaching, there's the age-old question of "love", "loving" and "being loved". Celebrating those we love, those...

Jan 10, 2017
To be childlike is not to be childish!
Perhaps it is because small people are nearer to the ground that they see small things we miss? Or they are newer to the world and are...